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Current news and happenings at Triathlon

News and announcements about our company

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Sunlight Group acquires 100 % of Triathlon Holding

Following the initial agreement for the acquisition of 51 % of Triathlon by Sunlight, the two organizations unify into one Group and sector champion


TRIATHLON acquires majority stake in dsp Computersysteme Vertriebs GmbH

With its customized ERP solutions, dsp Computersysteme Vertriebs GmbH has been operating successfully in the market for more than 25 years. The…


TRIATHLON continues partnership with Triathlon Team Thüringen

The partnership between the TRIATHLON Group and the Triathlon Team Thüringen (Triathlon Team Thuringia) will be continued. After the start of the…


Entry of new majority shareholder Sunlight Group successfully completed

TRIATHLON acquires around 37 % of Voltabox AG in parallel


Closing of Sunlight Group-Triathlon Holding acquisition agreement

Following clearance from competent authorities, the acquisition agreement for 51 % of Triathlon Holding by Sunlight Group has been closed


Sunlight Group – Triathlon Holding GmbH mega deal transforms industrial batteries landscape

Sunlight Group acquires 51 % of Triathlon Holding GmbH; Companies shall continue autonomous commercial operations, while leveraging synergies
